Monday, 24 March 2014

Benefits and Side Effects of Laser Hair Removal—Know before you go

Laser hair removal is an ever-popular procedure. Our society wants everything fast and efficient—so why should our hair removal process be any different? Here we will cover everything you need to know before you go so you can make an educated choice. Laser hair removal is among the most common elective cosmetic procedures done in the United States

How does laser hair removal work?

Laser hair removal works by way of applying a concentrated laser light onto the hair. When the pigmentation in the hair absorbs the laser rays—it is destroyed. Now, sometimes this takes a bit more than just the first go at it—especially for courser hairs. The longer you have been shaving, the courser the hair grows back. To understand why this happens you have to understand why the body has hair in the first place. You see, the body uses hair for a few reasons. One, as a filter for germs such as in the nose or the genital area—then in soft areas as a cushion for injury at the underarms and for temperature and injury to the arms and legs—so we needed it at one time and still do, to filter germs. So in saying that we can understand why the body will fight hard to replace –what is essentially—part of its immune system.

So what’s the benefit to laser hair removal as opposed to any other treatment?

The benefit to laser hair removal as opposed to waxing is that it only has to be repeated a few times and you have a lifetime of no more hair. Waxing is painful especially treating dark, course hair and you have only minor to moderate, temporary discomfort with the laser hair removal.  A laser will also be quite precise offering you hair removal without damaging the surrounding skin. The skin is not burned—but with wax—it yanks and burns the skin leaving horrible marks and sometimes scars. If you have ever gone to a nail salon that commonly offers eyebrow wax and walked out with burning red lids—then you know. Can you imagine that on your whole body—repeatedly?

We can only say that there is much more benefit to laser hair removal than waxing or tweezing—if anyone even does that anymore. The cost is worth it for a full session simply because it is far less than the cost of razors or refills, wax appointments if your hair grows back fast and the time in tweezing or heaven forbid—doing any of the above yourself! More info about ‘how long does permanent makeup last, pain free waxing and is electrolysis permanent’ is available at:

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